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Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron (born August 7, 1975 in Benoni, South Africa) is an Academy Award winning actress.

Her first language is Afrikaans, and her second is English. In Afrikaans, her surname is correctly Charlize theron pronounced "Tronn". Theron has stated that she prefers the pronunciation "Thrown".

Theron trained as a ballet dancer and danced in both Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. She travelled to Europe and then the United States where she was accepted at the Joffrey Ballet in New York, but a knee injury ended her dancing career. She also worked as a photo model.

Soon after Charlize won a modelling contest, she was encouraged by her mother to leave South Africa. At 18 she moved to Los Angeles without knowing anyone in the city but after two weeks when she was standing in line on Hollywood Boulevard an agent gave her his card. After eight months in the city she got her first part.

In his December 7, 2003 review of the film Monster, respected film critic Roger Ebert said Theron's performance in the film's lead role was one of the greatest performances in the history of film. Ebert added that if she did not win the Oscar for best actress, then the award should be cancelled. She did indeed win Best Actress at the 76th Academy Awards in February 2004, as well as the SAG Award and the Golden Globe Award. She is the first South African to win the Best Actress Academy Award.

Theron is the current spokeswoman for Dior perfume.

She currently resides in Los Angeles with her long term boyfriend Stuart Townsend.

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